Z Psychology

Insight Library

A Collection of Mindful Insights


  1. The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle: Discusses the importance of living in the present moment and freeing oneself from the burden of past regrets and future anxieties.
  2. The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel van der Kolk: Explores trauma’s lasting impact on the mind and body, offering insights into healing through various therapeutic approaches.
  3. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey: A transformative guide that presents seven essential habits for personal and professional success, inspiring readers to take charge of their lives and cultivate lasting effectiveness and fulfillment.
  4. Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown: Challenges the stigma around vulnerability, encouraging readers to embrace it as a pathway to deeper connections and wholehearted living.
  5. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ” by Daniel Goleman: Explores the significance of emotional intelligence in various aspects of life, emphasizing its influence on personal and professional success.
  6. Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl: Explores the author’s experiences in Nazi concentration camps and his psychotherapeutic approach called logotherapy, emphasizing the search for meaning in life.
  7. The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brené Brown: Explores embracing imperfections, cultivating self-compassion, and letting go of the quest for perfection to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.
  8. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck: Introduces the concept of fixed and growth mindsets, illustrating how one’s beliefs about abilities can significantly impact success and personal development.
  9. Addicted to Unhappiness” by Martha Heineman Pieper and William J. Pieper: An insightful exploration of the patterns that keep individuals stuck in unhappiness, offering strategies to break free from self-destructive habits and find a path towards genuine fulfillment and well-being.


  1. The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert” by John Gottman and Nan Silver: A comprehensive guide based on extensive research, offering couples practical principles and insights to strengthen their marriage and build lasting love and connection. 
  2. Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love” by Sue Johnson: Guides couples through seven transformative conversations to deepen their emotional bond and foster a lifetime of love using Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT).
  3. The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts” by Gary Chapman: Discusses the concept of love languages, helping couples discover and express their unique ways of giving and receiving love, leading to stronger and more fulfilling relationships.
  4. Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find – and Keep – Love” by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller: The book explores attachment theory and its impact on adult romantic relationships, providing valuable insights into building and maintaining healthy connections.
  5. Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples” by Harville Hendrix: Introduction to Imago Relationship Therapy, guiding couples on a journey to understand their deepest needs and desires, heal past wounds, and create more fulfilling and harmonious partnerships.
  6. Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs” by Emerson Eggerichs: This book delves into the crucial dynamic of love and respect in relationships, and how understanding these needs can strengthen marriages.
  7. The Science of Happily Ever After: What Really Matters in the Quest for Enduring Love” by Ty Tashiro: Ty Tashiro uses scientific research to explore the key factors that contribute to long-lasting, happy relationships.


  1. No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind” by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson: Insights into children’s developing minds and practical strategies for parents to nurture emotional intelligence and build strong connections.
  2. Smart Love: The Compassionate Alternative to Discipline” by by Martha Heineman Pieper and William J. Pieper: A compassionate parenting guide emphasizing emotional connections over discipline, providing practical strategies to nurture a child’s emotional intelligence and foster a loving family environment.
  3. Parenting from the Outside In: How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive” by Daniel J. Siegel and Mary Hartzell: The book emphasizes the importance of self-awareness for effective parenting and nurturing children’s emotional well-being.
  4. Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting” by Laura Markham: Laura Markham offers practical strategies to foster emotional connections with children and create a positive, respectful parenting environment.
  5. The Explosive Child: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children” by Ross W. Greene: This book provides a compassionate approach to understanding and managing challenging behaviors in children.
  6. The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children” by Dr. Shefali Tsabary: Advocates for mindful parenting, encouraging parents to look inward and connect with their children on a deeper level.
  7. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk” by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish: Practical communication techniques to connect with children, resolve conflicts, and build a positive parent-child relationship.


  1. Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness For Kids” by Carol McCloud and David Messing: The book introduces the concept of “bucket filling” and encourages kindness and empathy in children.
  2.  “Listening to My Body” by Gabi Garcia: An empowering children’s book that teaches kids to recognize and understand their feelings and bodily sensations, encouraging them to listen to their bodies and respond with self-compassion and care.
  3. The Rabbit Listened” by Cori Doerrfeld: A heartwarming story about empathy, understanding, and the power of listening for young readers.
  4. Ish” by Peter H. Reynolds: In this inspiring story, Ramon learns to embrace the beauty of imperfection and the joy of self-expression, encouraging creativity and resilience in young readers.
  5. The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds: A heartwarming tale about a young girl named Vashti who discovers her artistic abilities and self-confidence through the simple act of making a dot.
  6. I’m Happy-Sad Today” by Lori Britain: A touching children’s book exploring the complexity of emotions, as it follows a young child through a day filled with mixed feelings and the reassurance that it’s okay to experience both happiness and sadness.
  7. What Do You Do with a Problem?” by Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom: This book teaches children about facing and overcoming challenges in a positive way.
  8. The Invisible String” by Patrice Karst and Geoff Stevenson: This heartwarming book reassures children about the invisible connection of love between family members.
  9. The Way I Feel” by Janan Cain: The book helps children explore and understand a wide range of emotions they may experience.
  10. Wilma Jean the Worry Machine” by Julia Cook and Anita DuFalla: This book addresses childhood anxiety and worry in an approachable and relatable manner.
  11. What to Do When You Worry Too Much: A Kid’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety” by Dawn Huebner and Bonnie Matthews: This interactive workbook helps children understand and cope with anxiety.
  12. A little SPOT of Feelings: Emotion Detective” by Diane Alber: Introduces young readers to emotions through colorful SPOT characters, empowering them to become emotion detectives and develop emotional intelligence by recognizing and understanding their feelings.
  13. My Mouth Is a Volcano!” by Julia Cook and Carrie Hartman: A playful book teaching children about managing impulsivity and interrupting others.
  14. I Am Human: A Book of Empathy” by Susan Verde and Peter H. Reynolds: This book teaches children about empathy and the interconnectedness of all beings.
  15. Grumpy Monkey” by Suzanne Lang: A delightful children’s book about a monkey named Jim Panzee learning that it’s okay to feel grumpy sometimes and embracing his true emotions.
  16. Giraffes Can’t Dance” by Giles Andreae: Through a delightful story about Gerald the giraffe, this book encourages self-acceptance, embracing individuality, and finding one’s unique strengths.
  17. I Am Enough” by Grace Byers: hrough empowering affirmations, this book celebrates self-acceptance, self-worth, and the importance of kindness and compassion towards oneself and others.


  1.  “The Mental Illness Happy Hour”
  2. “The School of Greatness” with Lewis Howes
  3. “The Psychology Podcast” with Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman
  4. “The Tony Robbins Podcast”
  5. “On Being” with Krista Tippett
  6. “The Science of Happiness”
  7. “Therapy for Black Girls” with Dr. Joy Harden Bradford
  8. “The Hilarious World of Depression”
  9. “The Life Coach School Podcast” with Brooke Castillo
  10. “The Savvy Psychologist’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Mental Health”


  1. “The Art of Self-Compassion: Tips for Practicing Kindness Towards Yourself”
  2. “Managing Anxiety During Uncertain Times”
  3. “The Science of Resilience: Building Emotional Strength”
  4. “Understanding the Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health”
  5. “The Power of Mindfulness in Reducing Stress”
  6. “Coping with Grief and Loss: Strategies for Healing” 
  7. “The Link Between Exercise and Mental Well-being”
  8. “Building Healthy Relationships: Keys to Effective Communication”
  9. “The Role of Sleep in Mental Health and Well-being”
  10. “Understanding and Overcoming Social Anxiety”


  1.  “Brené Brown: The Power of Vulnerability”
  2. “The Importance of Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman
  3. “The Surprising Science of Happiness” by Dan Gilbert
  4. “The Art of Stillness: Adventures in Going Nowhere” by Pico Iyer
  5. “The Secret Powers of Time” by Philip Zimbardo
  6. “The Impact of Childhood Adversity on Health Across a Lifetime” by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris
  7. “The Happy Secret to Better Work” by Shawn Achor
  8. “How to Make Stress Your Friend” by Kelly McGonigal
  9. “The Paradox of Choice” by Barry Schwartz
  10. “The Science of Mindfulness” by Jon Kabat-Zinn