Z Psychology

Child's Perspective Quiz

A Child’s Expressing of Feelings About Their Parent

Welcome to the Child’s Perspective Quiz, a unique opportunity to explore your feelings and emotions towards your parents. This quiz is designed to provide insights into your perceptions of your parents’ parenting style and your emotional connection with them. It’s okay to have mixed feelings – your honest responses will help you gain a better understanding of your emotions.


Read each question carefully and select the response that best represents how you feel. There are no right or wrong answers – be true to yourself. This assessment consists of 10 questions, and your responses will offer valuable insights into your relationship with your parents from your perspective.

Child’s Perspective Quiz:

When I share my thoughts and feelings with my parents, they:

a) Listen and understand my perspective.

b) Get upset or dismiss my feelings.

c) Seem uninterested or don’t pay much attention.

d) Offer advice and guidance to help me.


I feel comfortable approaching my parents when I need support or advice:

a) Always, they are approachable and supportive.

b) Sometimes, it depends on their mood.

c) Rarely, I feel afraid of their reaction.

d) I prefer not to approach them with my concerns.


My parents encourage me to pursue my interests and passions:

a) Yes, they always support my interests.

b) Occasionally, but they prioritize other things.

c) No, they don’t seem interested in my passions.

d) They discourage me from pursuing certain interests.


When I make a mistake, my parents’ typical reaction is to:

a) Offer understanding and discuss how to learn from it.

b) Get upset or punish me.

c) Ignore it and hope I’ll figure it out on my own.

d) They rarely notice or discuss my mistakes.


How do you generally feel when spending time with your parents:

a) Happy and valued.

b) Neutral, it doesn’t make much difference.

c) Anxious or stressed.

d) Bored or disconnected.


How often do your parents express affection towards you:

a) Frequently, they are affectionate and warm.

b) Occasionally, but not very often.

c) Rarely, they don’t express much affection.

d) They show affection only when they want something.


My parents understand and respect my boundaries and personal space:

a) Yes, they respect my boundaries and privacy.

b) Sometimes, but they can be intrusive.

c) No, they often invade my privacy.

d) They don’t seem to acknowledge my boundaries.


How do your parents react when you achieve something significant:

a) They celebrate and show pride in my achievements.

b) They acknowledge it but don’t make a big deal out of it.

c) They don’t seem interested or ignore it.

d) They criticize or point out areas for improvement.


When you have a disagreement or conflict with your parents, they:

a) Listen to my perspective and try to find a resolution.

b) Insist on their way and don’t consider my point of view.

c) Avoid discussing the issue altogether.

d) They tend to get angry or defensive during conflicts.


How do you feel about your parents’ involvement in your life:

a) Grateful for their guidance and support.

b) Sometimes overwhelmed, but it’s mostly helpful.

c) They don’t seem interested or involved in my life.

d) They are controlling and don’t respect my independence.


Scoring Instructions:

For each question, assign points as follows:

  • a) = 5 points
  • b) = 3 points
  • c) = 1 point
  • d) = 2 points



Calculate your total score and explore your feelings towards your parents:

10 to 20 points: Strained Relationship

Your score suggests that there might be challenges in your relationship with your parents. It’s essential to express your feelings and concerns with them or a trusted adult. Seek support to address any emotional difficulties you may be experiencing.

21 to 30 points: Mixed Feelings

Your score indicates a mix of positive and negative emotions towards your parents. This is common in many parent-child relationships. Consider discussing your feelings with a supportive person or counselor to navigate these emotions.

31 to 40 points: Healthy Connection

Your score reflects a healthy emotional connection with your parents. It’s normal to have occasional conflicts, but overall, your relationship seems supportive and caring. Keep nurturing open communication and emotional understanding.

41 to 50 points: Strong Bond

Congratulations! Your score indicates a strong emotional bond with your parents. You feel understood, supported, and loved. Continue cherishing and nurturing this positive relationship.

Reflection and Communication:

Remember that this quiz is a tool for self-reflection, and the emotions you experience are an essential part of your journey. It’s okay to have mixed feelings, and it’s essential to express them in a safe and supportive environment. If you find it challenging to talk to your parents directly, consider sharing your feelings with a trusted adult, such as a relative, teacher, or counselor.

Seeking Support:

If you scored within the “Strained Relationship” range, it may be beneficial to seek additional support. Consider reaching out to a counselor, therapist, or school counselor who can help you navigate your emotions and provide guidance on improving your relationship with your parents. Remember that seeking support is a sign of strength, and it can lead to positive changes in your life.

Expressing Your Needs:

Regardless of your quiz score, know that your feelings are essential, and it’s okay to express your needs to your parents. Effective communication is key to building stronger connections with those around you. Consider finding a calm and respectful moment to share your thoughts and emotions with your parents. It can be helpful to use “I” statements, such as “I feel” or “I need,” to express yourself without blaming or criticizing.

Building Healthy Boundaries:

Setting boundaries is an essential aspect of any relationship. If you feel that your personal space or boundaries are not respected, it’s crucial to communicate this with your parents. Learning to set boundaries and express your needs assertively can help establish healthier dynamics within your family.

Take Your Time:

Growing up and navigating your emotions can be complex. It’s okay to take your time to understand and process your feelings towards your parents. Give yourself permission to learn and grow through your experiences, and remember that change can happen gradually.

Your Feelings Are Valid:

Regardless of your quiz score or the specific emotions you experience, remember that your feelings are valid. There is no right or wrong way to feel, and your emotions are an essential part of who you are. Be kind to yourself and embrace your unique journey.

Seeking Support Beyond Family:

If you find it challenging to communicate with your parents about your feelings, consider seeking support from other trusted adults in your life. Teachers, school counselors, mentors, or relatives can provide valuable insights and guidance during challenging times.


Thank you for completing the Child’s Perspective Quiz. Your feelings and emotions towards your parents are valid, and understanding them can lead to healthier relationships and personal growth. Acknowledging and understanding your emotions is an essential step in navigating your relationship with your parents and your journey towards emotional well-being. Remember that it’s normal to have a range of emotions, and seeking support and communication can be beneficial in navigating these feelings. Take care of yourself, and embrace the complexities of your emotions as part of your unique journey. Seeking support, expressing your feelings, and setting healthy boundaries are powerful tools that can contribute to positive growth and personal development. Remember that you are not alone – there are caring individuals ready to support you on your unique path.

Disclaimer: The tools and assessments provided on this website are for informational and enhancing mental health awareness purposes only. They are not intended to be clinical evaluations or provide medical advice. If you have any concerns about your child’s development or your well-being, please seek guidance from a qualified professional, such as a physician, psychologist, or counselor.