Z Psychology

Insight Library

A Collection of Mindful Insights


  1.  “Brené Brown: The Power of Vulnerability” 
  2. “The Importance of Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman
  3. “The Surprising Science of Happiness” by Dan Gilbert 
  4. “The Art of Stillness: Adventures in Going Nowhere” by Pico Iyer 
  5. “The Secret Powers of Time” by Philip Zimbardo 
  6. “The Impact of Childhood Adversity on Health Across a Lifetime” by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris
  7. “The Happy Secret to Better Work” by Shawn Achor
  8. “How to Make Stress Your Friend” by Kelly McGonigal 
  9. “The Paradox of Choice” by Barry Schwartz
  10. “The Science of Mindfulness” by Jon Kabat-Zinn